The National Franchise podcast
Guests on the National Franchise podcast are: Theodoor Ludwig & Remy Albers. They explain, among other things, what is needed to start franchising. If you are curious, listen to it via this link:
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Violation post prohibition of competition, no fine!
The District Court of Zeeland-West-Brabant ruled on 15 March 2023, ...
Termination of the franchise agreement due to the introduction of the Franchise Act
On 28 February 2023, the Court of Appeal of 's-Hertogenbosch, ...
The penalty clause in the franchise agreement
They appear in almost every franchise agreement: penalty clauses. ...
The franchisee as the weaker party
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Happy New Year with no franchise agreement
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Dismantling of a franchise formula; franchisor Yarden again sanctioned with tenfold penalty payments
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