The franchise agreement without (heavy demands on) know-how

In the 2023-1 edition of Contracting magazine, I published a contribution entitled: “The franchise agreement without (strict requirements for) know-how”.

For the qualification as a franchise agreement, the Franchise Act requires that there is a franchise formula of which know-how is a part. This law places high demands on this know-how. If these requirements are not met, there is no franchise agreement and the protective provisions of the Franchise Act are missing. The question is why such high demands are placed on know-how. It is concluded that the element of the necessarily present ‘know-how’ in the franchise formula should be weakened, so that the legal definition of the franchise agreement becomes broader.

The article can be ordered here from the publisher Boom Uitgevers.

mr. A.W. Dolphijn
Ludwig & Van Dam lawyers, franchise legal advice.
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