Column Franchise+ – mr. Th.R. Ludwig: “Judge: franchisor’s duty of care comparable to that of a bank”

Various judgments in 2016 made it clear how high the standard of care for a franchisor towards its franchisees is.

Use of the internet and social media: court expands options for franchisees

In principle, the franchisee may not be prohibited from having its own website in order to also or even exclusively sell its products or services via the Internet.

Buy/sell Albert Heijn franchise company

A judgment of 28 July 2016 by the Central Netherlands District Court, ECLI:NL:RBMNE:2016:6138, concerned the sale of shares in two companies in which an Albert Heijn supermarket

The bankrupt franchisor: set off claims under the franchise agreement against rents owed to the trustee

This section has previously written about “franchisor in difficulties” and in connection therewith

Well begun is half done: adequate link between franchise and sublease agreement

If you - in your capacity as franchisor - wish to expand your franchise formula

The early termination of the franchise agreement

Recently, on August 27, 2008, a court in preliminary relief proceedings ruled, among other things

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