Franchise contract not signed? Still bound…
Franchise contract not signed? Still bound...
Franchise contract not signed? Still bound...
By judgment of 16 October 2013, the subdistrict court in Breda has a franchisee
The court in Amsterdam recently ruled in a case where a franchisee did not meet all hygiene requirements.
A former franchisee has a non-compete clause in his franchise agreement that prohibits him from cooperating during and for two years after the termination of the franchise agreement.
Franchise agreements and sublease agreements must be adequately linked. After all, the sublease agreement is governed by mandatory tenancy law. Not easy here
The Court of Appeal in The Hague ruled some time ago that influencing the price level at which the franchisee sells the products to the consumer can be susceptible to competition law.
The Supreme Court recently issued a judgment regarding a non-competition clause in a franchise relationship.
Franchisee acquires and sells outside its territory, in territories not yet issued to other franchisees.
The franchisee rightly invokes unforeseen circumstances due to the lack of turnover and successfully claims moderation of the entrance fee due.
Franchisor terminated the franchise agreement with the franchisee. The franchise agreement stipulated that termination of the franchise agreement would also terminate the sublease agreement