Unilateral amendment of the franchise agreement by the franchisor allowed? – dated April 7, 2020 – mr. K. Bastian

Is the franchisor allowed to implement certain announced changes/adaptations to the formula on the basis of the franchise agreement agreed between the parties?

By mr. K. Bastiaans|2023-07-07T17:43:29+02:0007-04-2020|Statements & current affairs|

Ludwig & Van Dam Advocaten assists Sandd franchisees: Franchisees Sandd challenge postal monopoly in court – dated 12 November 2019 – mr. AW Dolphin

The Association of Franchisees of Sandd (VFS) is challenging the decision of State Secretary Mona Keijzer to approve the postal merger between PostNL and Sandd before the court in Rotterdam.

By Alex Dolphijn|2023-07-07T17:42:53+02:0012-11-2019|Statements & current affairs|

District protection no protection against termination due to urgent own use – dated September 17, 2019 – mr. AW Dolphin

As a landlord, can the franchisor terminate the lease for urgent own use, in the sense of district protection, while this would be excluded on the basis of the franchise agreement.

By Alex Dolphijn|2023-07-07T17:42:54+02:0017-09-2019|Statements & current affairs|

Unreasonable compensation at the end of the franchise agreement – dated September 17, 2019 – mr. AW Dolphin

Some franchise agreements stipulate that the franchisee always owes the franchisor a minimum of a certain amount of costs upon termination of the franchise agreement.

By Alex Dolphijn|2023-07-07T17:42:55+02:0017-09-2019|Statements & current affairs|
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