Supermarket letter – 11
1. The concept of the Dutch Franchise Code is bad for supermarket franchisees;
2. As an employer, are you sufficiently aware of what has changed in terms of legislation in the field of employment law?
3. The forced alternative supermarket franchise formula (Kippersluis/Jumbo).
Click here for the entire article.
Other messages
Stone in the pond in forecasting issues
As of July 1, 2016, an important amendment to the law came into force.
Supermarket letter – 15
Radical turnaround in forecasting problems.
Statutory anchoring of duty of care in prognostic problems
Statutory anchoring of duty of care in prognostic problems
Supermarket letter – 14
Prohibition of the establishment of other supermarkets legally valid
Acting at the start determines the outcome of a dispute between franchisor and franchisee
Acting at the start determines the outcome of a dispute between franchisor and franchisee
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