Seminar at the National Franchise Fair October 11 & 12, 2024

On October 11, 2024 at 11:00 a.m., the seminar “What are my rights as a franchisee” will be held at the National Franchise Fair. The following topics will be discussed: Is it certain that a franchisee will never be dissatisfied with the collaboration with the franchisor? Of course not. It is good that the franchisee knows in advance what rights he has. Surprisingly enough, we see that people who are considering becoming a franchisee, or are already franchisees, do not know exactly what their rights are. Of course, the franchise agreement contains rights and obligations, but that is certainly not the only thing. The law takes precedence over the franchise agreement and it is clear that franchise agreements sometimes even contain prohibited agreements. The prospective franchisee has the right to receive all kinds of information about the formula and the collaboration in a timely manner. This goes quite far. For example, if an existing location is being taken over, the franchisor must share its financial data. If it concerns a new location, the franchisor must provide financial data from a comparable company. The franchisor must then make clear on what grounds he considers these to be comparable. Another right of the franchisee is that, in the event of changes in the profit model of the formula, the franchisee must always be informed in advance and in good time. The franchisee must be able to form an opinion about the plan. There are many other rights of franchisees and prospective franchisees that may not be so well known, but are essential to know, even if the collaboration is going well. On October 11, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Alex Dolphijn will give a seminar on these issues at the National Franchise Fair. Of course, we will also be present as an exhibitor on October 11 & 12, 2024. You can request tickets for the fair here!

mr. A.W. Dolphijn
Ludwig & Van Dam lawyers, franchise legal advice.
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