Franchise+ article: “Violation of a non-compete clause will cost the franchisee dearly.” – mr. C. Damen – September 23, 2021
The fact that the violation of a non-compete clause included ...
The fact that the violation of a non-compete clause included ...
"Dolphin hereby cites a theory that is also alive among ...
The intended merger will mean that the COOP supermarkets will ...
The franchise industry according to Rabobank and Ludwig & Van ...
Codification or self-regulation in the franchising sector
Chapter in book NFV about import and export of franchise formulas, written by mr. Th.R. Ludwig
PVV motions to improve the position of franchisees
Franchisors are always liable
This is the third and final article in a short series on some core obligations in the relationship between franchisor and franchisee and how to handle them.
This is the second article in a short series on some core obligations in the relationship between franchisor and franchisee and how to handle them.