Article De Nationale Franchisegids: The consequences of providing an incorrect (turnover and profit) forecast by the franchisor – mr. K. Bastiaans – dated June 9, 2021
In many cases, prior to entering into a franchise agreement, ...
In many cases, prior to entering into a franchise agreement, ...
In the past period, the case law has not been ...
In a judgment of 20 January 2021, the Rotterdam court ...
It has of course not escaped the attention of most ...
For many years now, the responsibility and liability of the ...
In practice, it often happens that franchisors choose to renew their franchise formula and the appropriate image
The new Franchise Act has a broad effect, also in the automotive sector. But are people aware of it enough?
Although the purpose of the Franchise Act is to protect franchisees against franchisors, a number of obligations have also been laid down for franchisees.
It will have escaped the attention of few in the sector that on 10 February 2010 the legislative proposal for the Franchise Act was submitted to the House of Representatives.
Can a franchisor refuse to sell a franchise business to a prospective buyer, even if it is a last resort for the franchisee?