The bankrupt franchisor: set off claims under the franchise agreement against rents owed to the trustee
This section has previously written about “franchisor in difficulties” and in connection therewith
This section has previously written about “franchisor in difficulties” and in connection therewith
If you - in your capacity as franchisor - wish to expand your franchise formula
Internet sales are also enjoying increasing interest in conventional franchise circles.
Franchising, especially hard franchising, is increasingly a mixed legal relationship.
When a franchisee is thinking about selling his business, it is advisable
Recently, on August 27, 2008, a court in preliminary relief proceedings ruled, among other things
It seems inevitable that the world is heading for a recession.
Franchisees are also increasingly setting up private limited companies.
One of the most essential parts of a franchise formula is
In the penultimate contribution to this column, the phenomenon “Franchisor in difficulties, what to do?” discussed.