NewsLudwig & van Dam2023-08-15T12:27:18+02:00


No franchise agreement, despite the designation

Not everything is what it looks like. Even if the franchisor and franchisee believe that there is a franchise agreement, the legal situation may be different.

By Ludwig en van Dam|13-12-2018|Categories: Franchise Agreements, Franchise Knowledge Center / National Franchise and Formula Letter Publications|Tags: |

Compensation for reputational damage to the franchisor

A developer of a digital platform for a franchisor had provided a platform that any third party could access.

Sale of a franchise company due to a non-competition clause: False construction or not?

Franchisees who are unwilling or unable to continue with the franchise company experience whether or not the non-competition clause is valid or not.

Prohibited Franchise Agreements: Conduct of Franchisees Among Others

Forms of franchising that do not involve a vertical relationship between the franchisor on the one hand and the franchisees on the other may be prohibited.

A new franchisor against will and thanks

Mergers between franchise organizations are no longer an exception. Multivlaai/Limburgia, DA/DIO, Emté/Jumbo are recent examples of this.

Supreme Court: Code of Honor regarding franchising has no legal effect – dated September 25, 2018 – mr. AW Dolphin

Supreme Court: Code of honor on franchising has no legal force

By Alex Dolphijn|25-09-2018|Categories: Dispute settlement, Franchise Agreements, Statements & current affairs|Tags: , |

Franchisor wrongly hinders internet sales by franchisee – dated September 19, 2018 – mr. AW Dolphin

Franchisor wrongly hinders internet sales by franchisee

Preferential right of purchase in lease does not apply – September 7, 2018 – mr. AW Dolphin

Preferential right of purchase in a rental agreement does not apply

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