New developments in forecasting problems

By Published On: 08-09-2010Categories: Columns

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The restructuring within the Intergamma formats from a legal perspective

The legal reality is sometimes more unruly than the factual. The controversial issue at Intergamma is a good example of this.

Non-compete clause on the sale of a franchise business

How strict should a non-compete clause be when selling a franchise business to the franchisor? This question was raised in a dispute in which the District Court of Gelderland op

Franchisor fails by invoking a non-compete clause

Although a non-compete clause is validly formulated in a franchise agreement, a situation may arise that is so diffuse that the franchisor cannot invoke it.

Acquisitions and Franchise Interest

It will not have escaped anyone's attention, certainly in the last year it can only be concluded that the Dutch economy is once again on the rise.

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