Ludwig & Van Dam main sponsor partner National Franchise Congress 4 October 2012
The world goes on. And it seems to be getting faster and faster. It took 130,000 years before we invented the steam engine around 1750. Two hundred years later, the first bulky computers followed and five years ago, half of the world’s population already owned a mobile phone. Developments are going so fast that it is almost impossible to follow them.
An entrepreneur expects his franchisor to respond adequately to the latest developments. He doesn’t have the time to worry about it himself. It is up to the franchisor to follow and outline the broad outline and it offers the entrepreneur one of the most important advantages of doing business in a franchise context.
At this conference, you won’t sit back and relax listening to a story from a franchisor or guru who tells you how you can best respond to the dizzying changes of tomorrow and now. October 4 will have you on the edge of your seat. Your eyes dart back and forth from the witty and humorous host Jort Kelder to the four franchisors he puts the heat on. In no uncertain terms, Kelder will reveal the secrets of the successes of Mieke van Deursen (founder Shoeby). Paul van der Meijs (director De Hypotheker), Bert Bargboer (director Bakker Bart) and Johan Boeijenga (director DA).
In between, the usual round table discussions take place. Here you will have extensive discussions with fellow franchisers under the guidance of an experienced table chairman. During these conversations there is plenty of room for individual questions from your side. The day will traditionally be closed with the ever-exciting National Franchise Quiz
12:30 Reception
1:00 pm Opening by Tiago Jurgens
Jort in conversation with Johan Boeijenga and Paul van der Meijs
Round table discussion 1
3:30 pm Jort in conversation with Mieke van Deursen and Bert Bargboer
Round table discussion
The National Franchise Quiz
5:30 pm Network drink
Date: October 4, 2012
Time of day: 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Location: Stadium De Galgenwaard, Utrecht
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