Ludwig & Van Dam in Distrifood about the future of independent supermarket entrepreneurs

However, many retailers are now at a loss due to ever-increasing costs and tight margins. However, that story has much less impact. The economic misery also means that many retailers have doubts about continuing. “You see that the model of the stores is under pressure at every supermarket chain,” says Alex Dolphijn of Ludwig & Van Dam Advocaten to Distrifood. Dolphijn guides many supermarket entrepreneurs with legal matters and sees entrepreneurs struggling. ‘What you see is that the average age of entrepreneurs is quite high, while business succession within the family is not always obvious. At the same time, there are difficult market conditions. Entrepreneurs have to work hard and then they ask themselves: Do I still feel like doing this?’ Read the whole article here.

mr. A.W. Dolphijn
Ludwig & Van Dam lawyers, franchise legal advice.
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