Legal workshop Turnover forecasts at Ludwig & Van Dam

By Published On: 26-11-2015Categories: Statements & current affairs

Legal workshop November 26

How do you ensure a prognosis that is claim-proof? Many franchise disputes revolve around issued sales forecasts. Recent rulings show a shift in forecasting issues to the detriment of franchisors.

Franchisors want to avoid lawsuits. A great deal of damage can be prevented by correctly responding to recent developments. This may require an update of your franchise agreement. 

On Thursday 26 November we organize in collaboration with  the Dutch Franchise Association the legal workshop Turnover Forecasts . In this interactive workshop, provisions related to forecasts in franchise agreements are discussed and tips are given on how to make a forecast claim-proof.


3:30 pm


4:00 pm – 6:00 pm               

Interactive workshop by: Jeroen Sterk and Alex Dolphijn,
attorneys  at Ludwig & Van Dam franchise attorneys 

6 p.m

Finally a drink and snack

This workshop is intended for franchise formulas. This workshop is free for NFV members and non-members pay €150.00 excl. VAT.

You can register via the website of the NFV:

Ludwig & Van Dam franchise attorneys

River Street 159

3016 CH Rotterdam

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