Interview Mr. AW Doplphijn in Distrifood: “Legal consequences of merger Plus-Coop for entrepreneurs.” – dated September 12, 2021
“Dolphin hereby cites a theory that is also alive among various Plus and Coop entrepreneurs with whom Distrifood has spoken in recent days. For the smallest Coop stores with (too) low weekly turnover, there simply does not seem to be a future at Plus. Spar then seems to be the ultimate destination, also because Plus Holding owns 45 percent of Spar. Plus boss Duncan Hoy and Coop CEO Fred Bosch, of course, did not come up with the Spar theory during the virtual press conference about the impending merger, but when the duo says that there will always be optimization in the store base. of course the rumours. Especially when a target number of 550 supermarkets is mentioned in the same presentation, while the two parties currently manage 584 stores together.
Ludwig & Van Dam lawyers, franchise legal advice.
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