Interview in ENTREE Magazine – Lots of space for franchise

An interview with mr. AW Dolphijn about franchise.

Franchising is on the rise. But what is a safe way to do business for one person, feels like a straitjacket for another. How much freedom do you have as a franchisee and where are the opportunities? A conversation with franchise lawyer Alex Dolphijn of Ludwig & Van Dam franchise attorneys about the advantages and pitfalls: “As a franchisee, you cannot be too stubborn.”

Ludwig & Van Dam lawyers, franchise legal advice.
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Ludwig & Van Dam in De Nationale Franchisegids 2018

The basis of a franchise relationship is the franchise agreement. This contains a number of conditions that the parties must comply with.

Ludwig & Van Dam Advocaten exhibitor (no. 2) at the franchise fair Onderneem ‘t! dated 19 & 20 April 2018

For more information click on the link below:

Alex Dolphijn of Ludwig & Van Dam Advocaten will present “Onderneem ‘t!” on April 19, 2018 at the franchise fair. a seminar on: “Improving the legal position of franchisees? About trends and developments in legislation and regulations.”

For more information click on the link below.

Duty of care franchisor in the pre-contractual phase

The District Court of Limburg ruled on 6 April 2017, ECLI:NL:RBLIM:2016:2843, that the franchisor has a duty of care towards the prospective franchisee in the pre-contractual phase.

Franchisee avoids joint and several liability in private

In a judgment of 28 March 2018, ECLI:NL:RBROT:2018:2913, the District Court of Rotterdam ruled on the meaning of the clause in the franchise agreement stipulating that

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