Interview Franchise+ – mrs. J. Sterk and AW Dolphijn – “Reversal burden of proof in forecasts honored by court”

The new Acquisition Fraud Act indeed appears to be relevant for the franchise industry, according to this article from Franchise+. Alex Dolphijn of Ludwig & Van Dam represents a franchisee in legal proceedings in which the franchisor has been convicted for the first time under the Acquisition Fraud Act. The court states that the franchisor must be able to demonstrate afterwards that the prognosis is correct. The position of franchisees has been greatly strengthened by this ruling. To be able to prove that a franchisor has its affairs in order, the franchisor must come from a good family, explain franchise attorneys Jeroen Sterk and Alex Dolphijn of Ludwig & Van Dam.

Click here for the entire article. 

Other messages

Recommendations by the franchisor in general terms are permitted – dated March 6, 2020 – mr. AW Dolphin

The boundary between praise in general terms on the one hand and culpable deception and misrepresentation on the other remains a difficult issue.

By Alex Dolphijn|06-03-2020|Categories: Statements & current affairs|Tags: , , , , |

Article De Nationale Franchise Gids – Know-how decisive for scope of application Franchise Act – dated 5 March 2020 – mr. RCWL Albers

It will have escaped the attention of few in the sector that on 10 February 2010 the legislative proposal for the Franchise Act was submitted to the House of Representatives.

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