Franchise Frühstück Consultants House GmbH

By Published On: 08-03-2011Categories: Statements & current affairs

Franchise-Frühstück Consultants House GmbH

Tonisvorst (Krefeld)

On February 20, 2011, Mr. DL van Dam was invited to participate in a “Franchise Frühstück”, organized by Consultants House GmbH, Mr. Jörg Eckhold, one of the leading franchise consultants in Germany. At issue was cross-border franchising, in particular from Germany to the Netherlands. Various German franchisors were present. The topics included:

European law aspects – competition – the relationship between German and Dutch franchise agreements – differences between German and Dutch law – obtaining financing in the Netherlands – how to deal with turnover and result forecasts – the pre-contractual relationships in general – differences in mentality between Germany and the Netherlands.

The Franchise Frühstück took place in Tönisvorst, near Krefeld, and started at 10 am.


Mr DL van Dam – Franchise lawyer 

Ludwig & Van Dam Franchise attorneys, franchise legal advice Would you like to respond? Mail to

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