DFA Franchise theme meeting

By Published On: 19-11-2015Categories: Statements & current affairs


Franchise theme meeting

Date  :           November 19, 2015 

Time of day  :          3:30 pm 

Location  :           Hotel New York

Address  :             Koninginnenhoofd 1, 3072 AD Rotterdam



3:15 pm – Reception

15:30 – 16:00 – Introduction and explanation of the usefulness and necessity of and the process followed so far with regard to the consultation version of the Dutch Franchise Code (NFC), by: Derk van Dam, lawyer and partner at Ludwig & From dam

16:00 – 16:30 – The content of the NFC, by: Tessa de Mönnink, lawyer and partner at De Grave De Mönnink Spliet Advocaten

4:30 – 5:30 pm – Debate about the NFC chaired by Derk van Dam and Tessa de Mönnink, Propositions: (1) a franchise code is not necessary (2) the current NFC is unusable in practice (3) a franchise code deserves the preference over legislation (4) with the current NFC there is a danger that franchises will die out in the Netherlands (5) the interests of franchisees deserve more protection than hitherto (6) why invent the wheel yourself and not look at neighboring countries?

From 5:30 pm – Drinks


You can register via the DFA website: http://www.vereniging-dfa.nl/agenda-vereniging-dfa/?event_id=24

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