Article in Entrance: “Resignation”

By Published On: 01-10-2017Categories: Dispute settlement, Statements & current affairsTags:


Fire an employee who is not performing well? The subdistrict court is strict. If you, as an employer, cannot demonstrate that you have done everything yourself to make the person function better, the application for dismissal will most likely be rejected.

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Will the real competent judge please stand up!

Franchising, especially hard franchising, is increasingly a mixed legal relationship.

The early termination of the franchise agreement

Recently, on August 27, 2008, a court in preliminary relief proceedings ruled, among other things

Know-how and identity protection

One of the most essential parts of a franchise formula is

Internet sales in a franchise relationship

Internet sales are also enjoying increasing interest in conventional franchise circles.

What role does the franchisor play in the sale of a franchise business?

When a franchisee is thinking about selling his business, it is advisable

By Ludwig en van Dam|01-01-2000|Categories: Franchise Agreements, Franchise Knowledge Center / National Franchise and Formula Letter Publications|Tags: |
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