Jeroen Sterk


Jeroen Sterk is known as a attorney for supermarket entrepreneurs; franchisors and (collectives of) franchisees. In 2006 he made the transition from the sector organization of independent (supermarket) entrepreneurs to the legal profession and has been working at Ludwig & Van Dam Attorneys ever since. He is familiar with all supermarket and many other franchise formulas like no other. He has an extensive acquisition, advisory and litigation practice. He also regularly supervises change processes in (franchise) organizations, whether or not in relation to acquisitions, formula and condition system changes. Jeroen Sterk is also a specialized employment law attorney and regularly publishes (scientific and practical) publications, including in collaboration with Leiden University, seminars and workshops.


  • Dutch Law, Private Law, University of Utrecht (1993)
  • Grotius Academy, Employment Law (2003)

Messages from Jeroen Sterk: